Gary Eikenberry Consulting
22-1010 Polytek Street, Ottawa, ON Canada K1J 9J1
E-mail: Click to email; Web: http://www.geconsult.ca
On-line Generic Database Tools
Our dbChameleon web app is a generic on-line tool which allows users to view, search and edit database contents in a MySQL/PHP environment. In addition to advanced search and filter capabilities, it includes an enhanced output component for generating basic reports or emails as well as exporting filtered data to CSV files for loading into spreadsheets for either Windows or Linux platforms or word processing merge documents as well as back-up utilities. This application is a great tool as is, but it is also highly customisable to meet any special requirements you may have.
Click here for a demonstration, but please note that a number of features and utilities are disabled in demonstration mode.
Email or call for more information or to request a full-featured demonstration. Current dbChameleon release: ver. 33.2.13
Private Cloud/On-line File Management System
Our fylmgr web app allows the hosting and management of an online file repository. Access levels, which are controlled in a back-end database, can include read-only or file upload capability up to a maximum access level which allows creating and deleting subfolders. Click here for a demonstration. Log in with user name "share" and access code "please" to test drive the application with an access level of 1, which is read only mode. The upload, delete and create sub-folder operations are disabled in this mode.
Email or call for more information or to request a full-featured demonstration.
Current fylmgr release: 5.5.4
File Browser for On-line File Repository
Our lstfyls web app allows the browsing of an online file repository without requiring a log in. Allowable file types (extensions) and files or subdirectories to be skipped can be specified in a configuration file. Click here for a demonstration.
Email or call for more information or to request a demonstration.
Current lstfyls release: 3.0.6
Image Gallery
Our Image Gallery web app provides for the hosting and management of an online image gallery. The accompanying username and password protected photoAdmin tool makes it easy to upload, caption and manage photos online. And, unlike Instagram or Facebook anyone who visits or to whom you grant admin access doesn't need an account. And the character count for the caption field in is virtually limitless. Click here for a demonstration without admin privileges.
Email or call for more information or to request a full-featured demonstration.
Current Image Gallery release: 2.5.7
Site Search
Our Site Search Engine and the accompanying spidering tool allows you to index all or specific portions of your site to provide full text search capability to your users. Call or email for more information or to request a demonstration.
On-line Booking/Scheduling Application
Our on-line scheduler is a highly configurable and customizable on-line application for a wide range of booking, scheduling and calendar sharing requirements. Call or email for more information or to request a demonstration.
Includes such utilities as a character code converter, a tool for mime-encoding an image file for embedding in HTML, an HTML color tester and a random number generator.
On-line Virtual Meeting and Collaboration Applications
Our vMeeting is a highly configurable and customizable on-line application which makes virtual on-line meetings possible. It includes document sharing, discussion and voting capabilities. If you just need the file sharing and discussion capabilities without the voting, vCollaborate is also available. The original applications are written in PHP with a MySQL backend, but we also have comparable Asp.Net/MS-Access applications. Either application is a great tool as is, but is also highly customizable to meet any special requirements you may have. Call or email for more information or to request a demonstration.
Miscellaneous Documents